Patham Muthuvelayutham, EMBA '10
Patham Muthuvelayutham, EMBA 10

Monday, December 7, 2009

Finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel....

December 5th and 6th we had our final week end class for 3rd semester. This week end is international project presentation week.

As I mentioned before our classmates analyzed wide verity of topics. Some of the topics covered in the international projects are energy, health care, finance, travel, vacation and leisure.

Based on the presentation, I could see that teams considered every thing from political environment, culture of the people, credit risk and anything relevant to business to conclude whether the proposed business model is feasible or not.

Previous weekend in Palisades, we had an international project trip photo presentation in the eBar. It was lot of fun watching everyone's trip photos in the big screen.

Now that there is only one semester left, every one agreed in our class that they can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Some of my classmates are excited and looking forward to complete the course in five months. Some of them are already worried about leaving the school in 5 months and missing Palisades, eBar and Saturday night dinners in restaurants around Palisades.

Our residency weekend for fourth semester starts in four weeks (2nd week of January) in Ithaca. Last three trips to Ithaca were lot of work and lot of fun too. Ithaca is my kind of place, it is very beautiful. Mountains, water falls, tall trees and winding rivers, I can go on and on.

During 3rd residency, we had a party at Dean Joe Thomas's house. His house is on the river facing west. We watched the sunset sitting on his deck. I could still remember the amazing view of sunset from the mountain across the river and the water reflecting like gold from evening sun. Mrs. Thomas is very good host. She shared lot of little fun story about the house and their experience in Ithaca.

We received the 4th residency course materials during the last class weekend. We already have to complete three deliverables before Jan 10th. The third semester leadership development course also has one final deliverable before the holidays. After the first semester, you get use to all these deliverables and you know how much time you need to spend and when. Even though these deliverables lingers back of your mind, it no longer creates anxiety.

It is a holiday season. Wish you all very happy holidays.

I will try to post another blog before New Year if time permits.
If not, Wish you all a very happy and successful new year 2010.

Looking forward to see you all in my blog soon

Best regards,