Patham Muthuvelayutham, EMBA '10
Patham Muthuvelayutham, EMBA 10

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Between Graduation and EMBA 2010 one more weekend left….

After May 8th and 9th class, there is only one more week end left. The final three courses in this semester are Cornell management game, corporate governance and private equity project.

Corporate Governance final was completed last week end. Every one in the class came out and said that here goes the one last exam before graduation. Corporate Governance professor Robert Swieringa is a board member of GE. During the course he was able to provide several real life scenarios he dealt with part of corporate governance.

One day in the corporate governance class we were discussing Harvard business school Al Dunlop Sunbeam case. In the back of class Cornell management game professor Jerome Hass was sitting and observing the discussion. End of the discussion Prof. Hass described his interaction with Al Dunlop in a dramatic and fascinating manner. It was very interesting and also provided an insight about the individuals we discussed in the case.

Major topic discussed between classmates this week is graduation. The graduation is on May 29th in Ithaca. Most of the class is coming to the ceremony. Every one is exited about all the free time they are going to get after the class.

During last two years, we had seen classmates move on to bigger and better roles. We had seen entrepreneurs budding out from class of 2010. Over all, every one started as students and leaving as a life long friends. It is very interesting experience. Management education is entirely different than any other course. You will get an opportunity to see inside the minds of CEOs and board members to understand how they handled specific challenges. Overall this program balanced between management and financial related courses.

I am happy and proud to be part of Cornell Johnson School. I will write back one more time before my graduation.

Life is short, enjoy every moment of it!!!